Why openbox? because openbox is light and easy to use.
Openbox is also widely used by linux user.
Here's show it look.
Oke let go to the point.
$ sudo apt-get install openbox nitrogen tint2 lxappearance obconf obmenu
little explanation for openbox, nitrogen, conky, tint2, lxappearance, obconf and obmenu.
Nitrogen : for change wallpaper.
Tint2 : for panel
Lxappearance : for change themes
Obconf : for change theme WM
Obmenu : for edit menu.
if you want my openbox config, clone my repository with command
$ git clone https://github.com/revell29/backbox-openbox.git
then copy my config to ~/.config with command
$ cd backbox-openbox/config
$ mv openbox ~/.config/
$ mv openbox ~/.config/
and done.
log out and loggin with session openbox
Hopefully useful for you guys and sorry for my english..