Install Dan Konfigurasi Openbox Ubuntu

Okey guys, this time i will share tutorial for install and configuration openbox in ubuntu.
Why openbox? because openbox is light and easy to use.
Openbox is also widely used by linux user. 
Here's show it look.

Oke let go to the point.

$ sudo apt-get install openbox nitrogen tint2 lxappearance obconf obmenu

little explanation for openbox, nitrogen, conky, tint2, lxappearance, obconf and obmenu.
Nitrogen : for change wallpaper.
Tint2 : for panel
Lxappearance : for change themes 
Obconf :  for change theme WM
Obmenu : for edit menu.

if you want my openbox config, clone my repository with command
$ git clone

then copy my config to ~/.config with command

$ cd backbox-openbox/config
$ mv openbox ~/.config/

and done. 
log out and loggin with session openbox
Hopefully useful for you guys and sorry for my english..
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